Winter Newsletter

Our winter newsletter is now available and we hope you enjoy the new features we’ve included that share more about our organization, the people involved and the flora and fauna (or piscifauna in our case) of Puget Sound!
Thanks to your help, over 125,000 students were able to experience the wonder and awe of our own Puget Sound through our Marine Science Afloat program over the last 32 years.
That is...
125,000 more people who understand the Puget Sound’s vital role in our ecosystem, 125,000 more people who know the dangers it faces, and 125,000 more people who will strive to protect it.
And when those 125,000 share what they’ve learned with their family and friends, we start a chain reaction. You made this happen.  And now, we need to keep it going. Our goal is to bring our mission to “educate and train future stewards of Puget Sound” to all schools, regardless of their ability to fund their student’s participation.
Would you consider an end-of-year donation of $50, $100 or whatever you can afford to help us bring our program to all students?
We simply can’t do it without you.  Your support will make a real, lasting impact in the lives of area students and Puget Sound.
Visit our donation page to make your tax-deductible gift today or see our newsletter and let us tell you more about how we use the funds we raise. We take our commitment to you as seriously as our commitment to our mission. We hope this information will help you understand the importance of your donation. Thank you for your support.

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